1.what image caught your attention most? check out the scripture verses below to dive deeper.
2.each book has a tag line, is there one that paints jesus in a way you never thought before?
3.just like a puzzle, the bible has so many pieces. The thread of jesus is there from the beginning. what do you think about the mastery of his plan?
genesis 1, 2:1-3
the makers hands
Exodus 12:21-28
the sacrificial lamb
Leviticus 16:1-3, 19
The intercessor
Numbers 20:1-11
water from the stone
Deuteronomy 31:8
Joshua 1:7-9
Judges 6:7-18
Ruth 2, 3:12
the kinsman redeemer
1 Samuel 2:2, 8:4-7
the king of kings
2 samuel 7:12-16
the one who sits on the throne of the lord
1 kings 8:37-50
ruler of a broken kingdom
2 kings 2
a patriot in kings armor
1 chronicles 16:8-27
the architect of the kingdoms legacy
2 chronicles 1:11-12, 20:15, 27:6, 32:8
he who blesses the kings of Judah
ezra 3:10-11, 7:27-28
the redeemer Of hope
Nehemiah 9:6-33
ordinary to extraordinary
ESTHER 7:1-7
the almighty father over all
JOB 9:3-33
THE mediator
PSALMS 22:27-28, 24:1-2, 47
SONGS of the most high
pROVERBS 1:7, 2:6-10, 3:5-8, 8:32-35
THE wise one
Ecclesiastes 3:10-15
ETERNITY in the human heart
SONG OF SONGs 1:15-16, 2:16-17, 4:1-7
he is eternal love
ISAIAH 9:6-7
A prophecy fulfilled
jEREMIAH 9:1-4
THE weeping prophet
lamentations 3:22-33
HIS faithfulness in the dark
ezekiel 37:1-6
BREATH of life
daniel 3:24-29
PRESENT in the fire
hosea 2:16-20,13:4-8
OUR bridegroom
joel 2:12-32
AMOS 9:5-15
JONAH 1:13-17, 2
THE calm in the storm
micah 6:8
HE is the righteous ruler
NAHUM 1:3-13
JUDGES destruction and seeks peace
HABAKKUk 2:3-20
the foundation of his teMple
zephaniah 1:14-18, 3:17
MIGHTY warrior
haggai 1, 2:6-9
The one who rebuilds
zechariah 1:16-17, 14:10-11
CONDUCTOR of the rebuild
malachi 3:1,16-17
THE messenger
matthew 1:20-23, 3:1-3
THE promised king
mark 9:33-37
HUMBLE servant
the son of man
JOHN 15:1-8
the vine of our life
ACTS 2:22-25
the risen, exalted lord
ROMANS 1:16-17
he Who inVites all to his table
1 corinthians 13:8-13
HE is faith, hope, and love
2 corinthians 3:12-18
HE is our path to freedom
galatians 2:19-20,4:6-7
HE lives within us
ephesians 6:10-17
SUIT of armor
philippians 1:14,2:5,3:3-4,4:7-12
HE is life, mind, confidence, and strength
colossians 3:1-24, 2:5-7
HE is the one who receives our prayer and thanksgiving
1 Thessalonians 5:9-11
OUR salvation
2 Thessalonians 1:5-12
HE is just and good
1 timothy 1:14-17
OUR one true leader
2 timothy 2:1-10
HE is grace
titus 3:4-8
HE is merciful
philemon 1
HE walks by our side
hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-10
THE high priest
james 1:2-6, 13-22
RELENTLESS in his pursuit
1 peter 1:6-9, 3:13-15
PRESENT in the suffering
2 peter 2:1-9
SHIELDS us from false teachings
1 john 1:5-7, 4:11-12
CREATOR of fellowship
2 JOHN 1
he is the body and the blood
3 john 1:11
HE is good
jude 1:17-25
HE keeps you from stumbling
revelation 1:8,17-18
ALPHA and omega